Do you want to Boost Your All-on-4 Implant Practice?

Attract more patients and gain a competitive edge with our data-driven digital marketing funnels.

Do you want to Boost Your All-on-4 Implant Practice?

Attract more patients and gain a competitive edge with our data-driven digital marketing funnels.

What to expect:


A short 15 minutes discovery call to gather data for your personalized analysis


A detailed report with traffic forecasts and potential patient acquisition based on your market’s data


Insights into the potential ROI of an digital marketing funnel for your All-on-4 implant practice


Expert recommendations from our growth consultants on how to effectively implement a digital marketing strategy


Unique Scoring System

Our audit uses a unique scoring system to evaluate the quality of landing pages taken from your target Google results page. We assess factors such as focus on All-on-4, marketing effectiveness, and website speed.

In-Depth Analysis

We analyze websites from the first and second pages of Google search results to identify your website gaps and opportunities for improvement. Our scoring system allows us to identify the top-performing websites and provide actionable recommendations for closing the gap.

Proven Results

Our approach has been successful in generating new clients for our clients. By following our simple system to remove the gap and outrank competition, we have achieved targeted clicks and consultations for dental clinics specializing in cosmetic dentistry.

Holistic Approach

Our audit goes beyond just SEO to evaluate the overall digital marketing strategies of main market players in your particular All-on-4 dental implant market. We assess the use of remarketing, social media presence, and Google Ads to provide a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape and identify opportunities for improvement.

Customized Audit

We work with a limited number of dental clinics in one area to provide only top-notch customized audits. Our service is exclusive and operates on a first-come-first-served basis. Our audits deliver clear insights into the cost and potential return on investment of a Digital marketing funnel.


Unlock your website’s true potential and leave your competitors in the dust.


Our unique scoring system evaluates landing pages based on factors such as focus on All-on-4, marketing effectiveness, and website speed. This helps us identify the strengths and weaknesses of a clinic’s landing pages and provide actionable recommendations for improvement.

Our in-depth analysis helps dental clinics identify gaps and opportunities for improvement by benchmarking their digital marketing strategies against the top-performing websites in their market. This enables clinics to understand where they stand and make informed decisions about how to improve their online presence.

Our approach has been successful in generating new clients for dental clinics specializing in cosmetic dentistry. By following our simple system to remove gaps and outrank competition, clinics have achieved targeted clicks and consultations, resulting in increased business.

Our audit evaluates the overall digital marketing strategies of main market players in the All-on-4 dental implant market beyond just SEO by assessing the use of remarketing, social media presence, and Google Ads. This provides a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape and helps clinics identify areas where they can improve their marketing efforts.

To get a customized audit from our company, dental clinics can contact us through our website or by phone. We work with a limited number of clinics in one area to ensure a high level of customization and attention to detail. Our audit provides clear insights into the cost and potential return on investment of a digital marketing funnel, helping clinics make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.